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Through most of 2020, we have been in upheaval and lockdown at the same time. Staying home more, probably wearing sweatpants more, and fretting less about work/life balance and more about life/work balance. It is why I spent a bunch of time last year thinking of how...
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is impacting people everywhere. Some are out of jobs, others furloughed or reduced in hours. Thank goodness for people working in healthcare, public service, delivery and grocery at this time. But hit, and hit hard, is a group of folks we...
I don’t know where the phrase first originated, but this has been one of a few mantra (mantras, mantri?) I feel like I am always saying over and over to anyone that will listen. It is of paramount importance to designers. My grandfather had a Rolex watch. At...
I posted about this on Facebook recently, the significance of the number 44 at my alma mater, Syracuse. Today, I am 44 years old and, since this year has been full of significant changes, I thought I’d explore why my college days (and more) have little...
I get a wild hair across my backside from time to time in regards to my website and branding, thinking, “I should just burn it all to the ground and start again.” But then the prospect of doing all that work sets in. “Maybe just a controlled...
Apropos to my last post, I just today spoke via Facebook with an old friend, Arvi. He had posted a picture of himself and Ije Nwokorie, and then that sent us down an 18 year-old rabbit hole with other friends who all worked together in New York. Mind blown. This is...